St Cecilia's Newsletter Week 10
A word from the Principal

Dear Parents,
I cannot believe we are at the end of another busy term. This Monday we came together as a whole school community in Liturgy, celebrating the new life of the Easter season. This was a wonderful way to start to wind down the term with the important Easter message of sacrifice and love to strengthen our faith for a hope filled future. I want to especially acknowledge the wonderful leadership of our class teachers and children who led our Holy Week and Easter Liturgies – your reverence and leadership of prayer was outstanding.
Today the Year 4 class parents, Belinda and Melissa wrapped up the incredible Year 4 Easter Raffle fundraiser towards two ping pong tables for under the hall. Just in online sales we raised $2508, which is phenomenal and enough for one table. The cash sales were over $800, so with a target of $5000 and donations from families I have no doubt we won’t be far off being able to fund the second table. I know the children are getting excited about having another sporting, playground activity to engage in during break times.
Hosting the raffle for the first time this year, required vision, collaboration, and dedication. A special mention to Anne Parish who initiated the dialogue about the event and made it a shared vision among all. Belinda and Melissa (Year 4 class parents) your energy, enthusiasm and logical, creative minds had every basis covered; communication with the wider community, posters, ticket distribution and much more.
These things never just happen, so I thank anyone who did a job, however small or large! These events mean so much to the children and if they see you helping and modelling such wonderful volunteering – they will grow to do this themselves in time, and this is how communities thrive. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Congratulations to all the winners below. Anyone who was unable to claim their prize can collect them from school tomorrow morning or after the carnival.

I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank Mrs Jamie Dowling and Mrs Tori Jones who have stepped into the Acting Assistant Principal role while Mr Madigan has been on Long Service Leave in weeks 9 & 10. The two ladies are exceptional leaders in our school and as always, have been an amazing support to all staff, children, parents and me in the past two weeks.
Lastly, I would like to wish you and your family a very peaceful and Holy Easter. May you get the chance to rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord this coming Sunday. A wonderful time of year marking renewal and new life.
God Bless
Mrs Chylewska

Teaching and Learning Matters

CSBB Year 6 Leadership Day!
The Year 6 Leadership Day happened last Thursday on the 30 March. This day brought together all year 6 students in Catholic Schools Broken Bay. They were given the opportunity to delve more deeply into the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Bishop Anthony and our director of schools, Danny Casey spoke to the students about their leadership experience. There was a great variety of activities and insights developed along the day.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (GALATIANS 5:22-23)

Religious Education Update

Year one has been learning about how their lives and different buildings change over time. They created paintings of St Cecilia’s Church and deeply reflected on these changes. Amazing artworks Year 1!

We would like to invite all families to St Cecilia’s Faith and Learning Walks. During these walks we will welcome parents and carers into the classroom to celebrate a grade liturgy. The liturgy theme will highlight what the children are learning during their Religious Education lessons and allow an opportunity for the families to connect with the Catholic faith.
Following the liturgy, the children will demonstrate their acquired knowledge by showcasing their favourite pieces of learning. Participating in these learning walks will enable parents and carers to engage as partners in their child’s learning journey. All are welcome!
Grade | Date | Time |
Year 5 | Wednesday 10th May - TERM 2 | 2:30 pm |
Year 4 | Wednesday, 31st May - TERM 2 | 2:30 pm |
Year 3 | Wednesday 21st June - TERM 2 | 2:30 pm |
Year 2 | Wednesday 2nd August - TERM 3 | 2:30 pm |
Year 1 | Wednesday 23rd August - TERM 3 | 2:30 pm |
Year 6 | Wednesday 13th September - TERM 3 | 2:30 pm |
Kindergarten | Wednesday, 18th October - TERM 4 | 2:30 pm |
Catholic Schools Broken Bay Charter
To align with our Towards 2025 Strategy the team from Catholic Schools Broken Bay has written a charter. The purpose of the charter “is an articulation of who we are, our way of being in the light of the Gospel within a complex and socially diverse society. It invites our students, their families and our people to accompany us as we seek to grow in relationship with Jesus and to understand and shape our world.” To further unpack this charter some talented Year 6 students created drawings to highlight what Catholic schools will do. You will receive a copy of this charter in your child’s bag today.

We will continue with the same format used the last 5 years for our Easter ceremonies;
Holy Thursday service in our Parish will take place at St John Fisher only, and that the Easter Saturday Vigil service will take place at St Cecilia’s only.
This allows the opportunity for the whole parish to come together as one on these two significant occasions and allows our priests the opportunity of concelebrating Mass on the feast of the institution of the priesthood (Holy Thursdays Mass of the Last Supper) and the Mass which many regard as being the most symbolic in our liturgical year (The Easter Saturday Vigil).
Good Friday and Easter Sunday services will still take place at both Tumbi and Wyong as per previous years.
Holy Thursday
Mass of the Last Supper
6th April, St John Fisher Tumbi 7pm
Followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Reconciliation will be available)
Good Friday
Stations of the Cross
7th April
St Cecilia’s Wyong 10am
St John Fisher Tumbi 10am
The Lord’s Passion
St Cecilia’s Wyong 3pm
St John Fisher Tumbi 3pm
Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil Mass
8th April, St Cecilia’s Wyong 7pm
Easter Sunday
Mass of the Resurrection
9th April, St Cecilia’s Wyong, 7.30am & 9.30am
St John Fisher Tumbi, 8.30am & 5pm
God bless,
Jamie Dowling
PEC Update

Wow it is hard to believe we are at the end of term one already and what an amazing term it has been. Kinder Tears N Tissues morning, School Open Day, the Kinder Year 5 and Year 6 Buddies Parish Mass/BBQ, Sacrament of Reconciliation, new Class Parent Representatives, who are already doing an incredible job and not to forget the beautiful Holy Week Celebrations that the teachers and children prepared.
Term 2 is looking to be just as exciting, some of the events coming up are the Faith and Learning walks, Bright Beginnings, Cheryl O'Neill's Farewell Liturgy, Mother's Day Liturgy and breakfast, Sacrament of Confirmation Parent information evening, Year 1 and Year 3 Weekend Parish Mass/BBQ and Parent Gratitude session.
If you have any questions or would just like to have a chat, please feel free to contact me on 0424 763 734.
As we journey into Holy Week, may we remember how much God truly loves us. May God’s Blessings be upon you and your family, at this most special time of year and may we journey together in Faith, Hope, and Love.
Jo Helm
Parent Engagement Coordinator
PBL - Positive Behaviours For Learning

Staying Connected

A reminder that on Wednesday 10th May at 6:15pm, all parents are welcome to our Families Leading in Partnership meeting #6. The meeting will take place in the staffroom within the office building and the agenda is still open to parent input. The attached link is always on the school website for parents to share agenda items for future or upcoming meetings. FLIP Agenda Suggestions ( Though there is always a chance, before the set meeting to RSVP and share agenda items to explore too.
Parent Connectors | Faith and Learning Partners | Community Building Team |
- Co-construction of handbook outlining timeline, roles and responsibilities of school calendar events. | - Second Step, Social and Emotional Learning Program implementation. - ‘Learning Assets’: Kath Murdoch | - Easter Raffle Wrap up - Meet and greet to Peter Coombes, our Aboriginal Education Worker (TBC) |
Outside the Kindy classrooms on the school gate is the following Kiss and Drop sign (see below). I ask ALL parents to please obey the explicit and simple road rules on this poster.
I was sent photos this week of two different cars, on separate occasions not obeying these road rules. I do not want to name and shame the cars but appreciated the information being brought to my attention, yet again. Cars parking in this area slow the flow of approaching traffic and restrict accessibility to other families who plan to have their children exit vehicles at the curb and close to the back and front school gate for children to walk themselves in.
Please do not leave your car unattended and walk your children into school if you are using this location for drop off. If you want to accompany your child into school grounds, you will need to park elsewhere.
As the poster emphasises, HEAVY FINES and LOSS OF DEMERIT POINTS apply if you park there. I know parking inspectors have been invited to the area by other frustrated parents who I do empathise with.

Please put the following staff development dates in your calendar.
- Friday 30th June; CSBB System Staff Development Day
- Thursday 10th August; Staff Spirituality Day
A reminder school is closed on these days and no supervision is provided for children. Please make alternate supervision arrangements for your children on those days.
A reminder that we are inviting families to share a Post-it of Praise about Mrs O’Neill. There is a box of post it notes in the school office for parents to pop in and complete. Alternatively, you can send to the office, a written-up post it note message from home with your child. Mrs Callaghan will be putting together a beautiful keepsake to present to Mrs O’Neill at her farewell liturgy on Wednesday 3rd May, 9am in the school hall.
All existing and past parents are welcome to attend the liturgy. Please feel free to spread the work.
Some children have been bringing Prime drinks into school and sharing them with friends. Following health advice, several schools across Australia have banned Prime products from school grounds. I am requesting parents at St Cecilia’s please refrain from packing these in your children’s lunch box for consumption during school time. Attached is further information about the drink. What is Prime drink, is it okay for kids and why have schools in Australia banned it? - ABC News
On Tuesday Zavier W and Lincoln G both trialled for the Polding AFL team.
Unfortunately, Zavier just missed out however Lincoln has been chosen to represent the Polding team. Huge congratulations to Lincoln! Thank you both for representing our school so proudly.

Classroom Connections

Year One Artworks
1 Golds artwork was inspired by the artist Vincent Van Gogh. He spent a lot of time painting sunflowers. We created our own painting of sunflowers using dye instead of poster paint. We added salt to the blue background while it was wet to create an interesting texture. We thought carefully about the position of our flowers and the detail to make them look realistic.
What an amazing result Year 1!

What's On

Happy Holidays! If you are looking for activities or events during the holidays check out Playing in Puddles who have done the research for you!
School Holidays on the Central Coast - kids activities | Playing in Puddles
Wyong Lakes AFL Club are looking for players. Our K-2 students have been participating in an AFL clinin this term so if you would like your child to continue developing their skills, contact the Pies.

Go4Fun is a FREE 10-week healthy wellbeing program for children aged 7 to 13 to enjoy along with their families. Please contact 1800 780 900.
Run by top trained health professionals, it’s a fun way for kids to build self-esteem and learn about eating well, staying active and living a healthy life.
Term 2 2023 programs will take place at:
📌 Kincumber Indoor Sports Centre Tuesdays 4:00–6:00pm, starting 2nd May
📌 Gosford Olympic Pool, Wednesdays 4–6pm, starting 26th April (Aboriginal Program for everyone run by Bungree)
📌 Lake Haven Recreation Centre, Thursdays 4–6pm, starting 27th April
To register, visit or call 1800 780 900.