St Cecilia's Newsletter Term 1, Week 5 2024
A word from the Principal

Dear Families,
I can't believe that we are now at the half way point of term one. A busy start it has been to the term.
A huge thank you to the parents who were able to attend our Families Leading in Partnership meeting last night. We had a great turn out that truly exemplifies our strong sense of community.
There were many hot topics for discussion, of which you can view in the Powerpoint presentation below. Some more current updates discuseed in depth at the meeting are outlined below.
Building works
The CBGA building project has commenced with preliminary site works. This means that a demountable has been installed to cater for decanting of classrooms during the project works. Due to the National Construction Code updated early 2023, new requirements were mandated for development applications within deemed bush fire zone areas.
Although Wyong does not appear to be subject to this requirement, Wyong river is part of the zoning and the school is considered as part of this. As a result, all project consultants are working to resolve this matter to satisfy a condition of the development application and at this stage it is anticipated that this will take up to 6 weeks.
Once this is resolved we can proceed with site establishment and obtaining a construction certificate to progress works as indicated in the timeline on slide 6 in the attached presentation.
We aim to keep the school community updated as we receive any new status.
We are still awaiting Catholic Schools Broken Bay Fundraising Guidelines, however due to the school grounds becoming a building site soon, we have decided to take advantage of all the space and make our bi-annual Colour Run a fundraiser this term, instead of the Easter Raffle we had last year.
The two key favourite proposals for fundraising were new seating in the Infants play area or expert gymnastics classes for a term across grades K-6. Should you have any further ideas of what you would like the school to fundraise for, please email me at
Slight uniform changes for girls
We had 78 parents complete the form last year on skorts vs. culottes and the skorts were a clear favourite. Lowes is doing up three mock photoboards for proposed skorts and shirts options, which I hope to share with the community in the next newsletter. All parents will be invited to vote on the new introduction of this uniform.
Social Justice Initiatives
At St Cecilia's we pride ourselves on promoting social justice initiatives with the children. Social justice outreach initiatives provide the foundation for our chidlren to become active and engaged citizens who are equipped with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and empathy that's necessary to understand and challenge societal inequalities. Our Parent Education Coordinator (PEC), Jo Helm will be reaching out to families in the upcoming weeks regarding parental involement with We Care Connect | We care about local kids living in poverty and joining parishioners who volunteer out the front of the local Court House to provide a friendly face while serving tea and coffee in the mornings. Children will continue all their good works with Caritas and St Vincent De Paul, initiatives led by our Mini Vinnies children and the year 6 Pastoral TEAM.
Mathematics Big Ideas
Mr Jones presented a vibrant and passionate presentation on 'Big Ideas in mathematics.' A Big Idea is a statement of an idea that is central to the learning of mathematics, one that links numerous mathematical understandings into a coherent and connected whole. Mr Jones shared our assessment processes in Mathematics and how we check in on our learners, where they're at with their understanding of a big idea and how we differntiate and strive to meet the varied needs of learners in each classroom.
The concept of Big Ideas is powerful because it assists teachers in developing a coherent overview of mathematics. Though more importantly it enables your children to develop a deeper understanding of mathematics and its interconnectedness, both within the world of mathematics and between the world of mathematics and the real world. Such an exciting time to be an educator with these new Curriculum Reform changes.
Class Parents 2024
We welcomed all our class parents for 2024 to their new role and the list of class parents is provided in the slide show attachment. The engagement and support from all our parents are essential pillars in fostering a collaborative and enriching educational environment for our students. We thank the class parents for their commitment to being actively involved. It is evident that everyone's shared dedication to working together positively influences the overall success of our school community.
Once again, thank you all parents who attended. We always appreciate the valuable discussions, shared insights, and explored opportunities to enhance our partnership for the benefit of our learners. Your input and perspectives are invaluable as we continue to strive for excellence in education.
Parental involvement from home or in school reinforces the importance of our collaborative efforts, and I always get excited about the positive impact we make when we work together in partnership.
If you were unable to attend, please know that your continued support is appreciated, and we look forward to your participation in future meetings or events.
Thank you for being an integral part of our St Cecilia's community. Together, we can achieve great things for the children.
God Bless
Marta Chylewska
Staying Connected

Save the date - Colour Run
As discussed at the FLIP meeting last night, this year's annual Fundraiser Event will be the School Colour Run rather than the Easter Raffle. Before some of our playground areas become a building site we are going to capillise on the space and run about, getting our colour on!
There will be a small fee for children to participate and we want to open the Colour Run up for parents to participate too. We will be raising money for upgrading the seating in eating area of the Infants playground and we ask that any keen parents that would like to join us, please complete the form below. The number of RSVP's will determine the number of additional powder we will need to order, so please ask you respond at the RSVP below if you would be keen to join at the cost of $20. We are raising money for soft play flooring (Stage 1 -2024) and then new seating (Stage 2 - 2025).
Harmony Week and Neurodiversity week celebrations
Harmony Week is 15th-21st March, crossing over with Neurodiversity week in from 18th - 24th March. Harmony Week, just like Neurodiversity week is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Therefore we will be celebrating the two events on the one day, Tuesday 19th March.
The children can wear orange on Tuesday 19th March or a cultural costume of significance to show their support. We are also inviting some parent guest speakers who would be willing to do a brief talk in their child's class (or grade). The talks could include;
- a story celebrating neurodivergence of oneself of someone close to you
- an insight into the life of a neurodivergent mind
- an immersion experience of a cultural tradition, dance, food sampling or arts & craft
- sharing of a personal (or close family member's) migration story
- story telling from another country
- any other ideas welcomed regarding cultural diversity or neurodiversity.
Please click on the form attached if you are able to assist on Tuesday 19th March to present as a guest speaker.
We look forward to celebrating our cultural and neuro diversity as a community.
Teaching and Learning Matters

NAPLAN is a national assessment to measure student's literacy and numeracy skills at the time of the test. Each year primary students in Years 3 and 5 undertake the tests in writing, reading, language conventions and numeracy.
NAPLAN 2024 is just around the corner for our Year 3 and Year 5 cohorts, with Writing, Reading and Language Conventions taking place next week and Numeracy test the week after. Please see the dates below:
- Writing - Wednesday, 13th March, 9 am
- Reading - Thursday, 14th March, 9 am
- Language Conventions - Thursday, 14th March, 11:30 am
- Numeracy - Monday, 18th March, 9 am
If your child is absent on the day NAPLAN tests are scheduled we will administer catch-up tests in the days that follow.
Religious Education Update

(Kindergarten, Years 5 & 6, and Reconciliation Presentation Mass)
Last Saturday, we celebrated our first weekend mass with the parish community. During the mass the St Cecilia’s children attended a children’s liturgy, where the children listened to scripture by engaging in Godly Play. At the conclusion of mass, members of the parish community selected children from year four to pray for them over the next month as they prepare to make their sacrament of Reconciliation. Thank you, Father Alex, for offering the mass, to the many families who joined us in prayer and to the teachers who led the children’s liturgy.

PBL & Wellbeing
PBL Focus for the next fortnight:
We are RESPECTFUL when we Speak Respectfully.
Second Step lessons will all be focusing on Skills for Learning; focusing attention, listening, using self-talk, and being assertive for the next 4-6 weeks (grade dependent).
Kindy Focus – Following Directions (week 5) & Self-Talk for Staying On Task (week 6)
Year 1 Focus – Following Directions (week 5) & Self Talk for Learning (week 6)
Year 2 Focus – Using Self Talk (week 5) & Being Assertive (week 6)
Year 3 Focus – Being Assertive (week 5) & Planning to Learn (week 6)
Year 4 Focus - Being Assertive (week 5) & Respecting Similarities & Differences (week 6)
Year 5 Focus – Being Assertive (week 5) & EMPATHY: Predicting Feelings (week 6)
Year 6 Focus – EMPATHY: Empathy & Communication (week 5 & 6)
Last week all children from K-5 were given a Second Step Family Letter. This letter contains the website and activation code so that you can access the Second Step resources from home. These resources include posters, videos, song clips and recommended literature. There are many very practical resources on the website for you to access to support your child’s social and emotional development. If you did not receive the Family Letter, please email the office with attention to myself and I will send another copy home.
Your child’s class teacher will send home Second Step homework. This homework sheet aligns with the content your child is learning in class, using the same language. The homework usually includes discussion with your child and a very simple follow up activity. Please complete the Second Step homework and return it to your teacher.
Many thanks,
Lianna Jones
Shining Stars!

Congratulations to our fortnightly Shine Award recipients. The following children have received a Bronze or Silver award in the first 4 weeks of term.
These children have made a concerted effort to be safe, respectful and cooperative learners.
20 Shine Awards = BRONZE AWARD
50 Shine Awards = SILVER AWARD
Shine Bronze Award | Harry L. |
Shine Bronze Award | Rachel T. |
Shine Bronze Award | Jimmie H. |
Shine Bronze Award | Avayah Y. |
Shine Silver Award | Kenzie A. |
Shine Silver Award | Thomas P. |
Shine Silver Award | Jesse G. |
Shine Silver Award | Levi W. |
Shine Silver Award | Samantha M. |
Shine Silver Award | Bowen N. |
Shine Silver Award | Liam D. |
Shine Silver Award | Isla G. |
Shine Silver Award | Xin-Yu Y. |
Shine Silver Award | Aydin P. |
Shine Silver Award | Henry D. |
Shine Silver Award | Connor G. |
Shine Silver Award | Anastasia G. |
Shine Silver Award | Duncan C. |
Shine Silver Award | Cindel H. |
Shine Silver Award | Brayden H. |
Shine Silver Award | Katelyn C. |
Shine Silver Award | Jackson P. |
Shine Silver Award | Maggie G. |
Shine Silver Award | Skyla M. |
Shine Silver Award | Charlotte T. |
Shine Silver Award | William T.W. |

Staff Spotlight

Meet Mrs. Kiddle, the embodiment of an experienced, enthusiastic, and passionate 3 Blue class teacher with 12-years teaching experience across 3 schools. Mrs Kiddle is in 3B, Monday to Thursdays and her enthusiasm for education is contagious, creating an engaging and inspiring learning environment for all her learners.
Approachable, kind, and friendly, Mrs. Kiddle is not just a teacher but a role model for her students. They look up to her as a guide, drawing inspiration from her approach to education.
Beyond her role in the classroom, Mrs. Kiddle has taken on leadership responsibilities, demonstrating her commitment to advancing education. Her expertise extends to the digital realm, where she has led initiatives in digital pedagogies at her previous schools, showcasing her adaptability and innovation.
She has also been a mentor and instructional coach for Early Career Teachers, showing her dedication to nurturing our next generation of educators. She focuses on holistic development and creating a supportive community within the school. We know that in 3 Blue Mrs. Kiddle provides not just a place of learning but a vibrant space where students thrive under the guidance of a seasoned and caring educator.
PEC Update

Dear St Cecilia’s Parents, Carers and Grandparents,
As we approach the sacred time of Palm Sunday, we invite you to join us for a special gathering to create palm crosses together. This cherished tradition not only brings us closer as a community but also prepares us spiritually for the arrival of Holy Week.
Date: Wednesday, March 20th, 2024
Time: 9:30 AM
Location: St Peter’s Catholic College 84 Gavenlock Road Tuggerah (held in the T3 Trade Ctr) a delicious morning Tea will be provided
Whether you're skilled at crafting palm crosses or trying it for the first time, your presence and participation will enrich our experience. Together, we'll weave palms into beautiful crosses, sharing stories, laughter, and fellowship along the way.
Please bring your creativity and a willingness to lend a hand. We'll provide the materials and guidance needed to craft these symbolic emblems of faith.
Your presence will truly make a difference as we prepare to commemorate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. These palm crosses will be used at Wyong Parish weekend masses, for Palm Sunday.
Please register via the link below;
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, March 20th, at 9:30 AM. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact me at or 0424 763 734.
Jo Helm
Parent Engagement Coordinator
St Cecilia's Wyong and St Peter's Catholic College Tuggerah
Student Support Services Team

Thank you to all those families who reached out with their updated personal details such as; address, phone number and email address. The Australian Government conducts an annual collection of data on Student Residential Addresses and Other Information. Please refer to the attached letter for further information regarding the data collection process.
The Department provides you with contact details if you have any further questions.
If you have changed your address or contact details recently, please notify the school Office immediately at
Sports News

Cross Country Results and Team
What a wonderful day Friday turned out to be. Congratulations to all students who took part in the race, whether it was running the whole race or even being able to finish part of it, regardless we are proud of you for all your efforts.
Congratulations goes to Raymond House who has taken out this years House Cup for Cross Country.
A huge thank you for all parent volunteers who helped on checkpoints directing traffic and keeping the students cool. Thank you to our other helpers doing various jobs, whether it was starting, timing, or being an amazing nurse, these events run smoothly because of your assistance, and I couldn’t thank you more. Thank you also to the year 6 students who assisted with the day on ribbons, checkpoints, handing out places, markers, and with the other activities of dodgeball and PacMan. You were all given a chance to show your leadership skills and did this wonderfully. Thank you also to all the teachers who were adaptable and demonstrated a clear care for all their students' needs on a fairly muggy day.
Congratulations to the following students who will create our Cross Country Team and begin training in the next couple of weeks. Details to be confirmed and shared. The team was chosen from mostly top 6 however if there was a huge gap between some runners and decided to have a cut off time of 15minutes for 8s, 9s and 10s (which is generous!) and for 11’s and 12’s 20 minutes (which is generous). To give some perspective the next level has competitors that are running close to 5-minute kilometres in all age groups. If I am given other guidelines from above in terms of cut off times (which was trialled for the Individual Medley in swimming) then some students may unfortunately miss out - unless during training they can prove to get below the time.
8 year | 9 year | 10 year | 11 year | 12 year |
Jackson M. Cooper B. Taylem Y. Ajay B. Caiden P. Finn I.
| Archer W. Zachary L. Charlie C. Archie W. Barrett M. Advik P. | Harry L. James A. Parker G. Sebastian W. Brayden H. Oliver H. | Flynn W. Finn M. Cody T. Taylor G. Tyler K. Lucas R. | Zachary T. Miller W. Naoh M. Asha D. |
8 year | 9 year | 10 year | 11 year | 12 year |
Evangeline-Joy W. Isla G. Aine H. Scarlett B. Claudia S. | Daisy K. Lucy I. Claire G. Iona Mc. Ashlyn L. R. Kyra R. | Jayde G. Ivy C. Bonnie B. Matilda L. Ruby N.L. Lara S. | Laila F. Emelia J. Skye P. Eloise B. Zali Mc. | Bonnie T.W. Tamyrn H. |

Classroom Connections

Year 1 Art
Let's celebrate the completion of an artistic journey as we mark the end of Year One of exploring the captivating works of Vincent Van Gogh! Over the last few weeks, we have delved into the vibrant colors, bold brushstrokes, and emotive expressions that define Van Gogh's masterpieces. From the iconic "Starry Night" to the enchanting "Sunflowers," we have marveled at his unique style and the depth of emotion conveyed in each painting. Join us in commemorating this milestone as we look forward to another year of discovering the beauty and complexity of Van Gogh's art.

Awards & Acknowledgements

Congratulations to the following children for their achievements! The listed award recipients will receive their award at Friday morning's assembly at 8:45am!
Academic Achievement Award
Kinder Blue | Stanley R. | Kinder Gold | Kingston L. |
1 Blue | Oliver L. | 1 Gold | Ollie M. |
2 Blue | Jackson Y. | 2 Gold | Lennox B. |
3 Blue | Aster M. | 3 Gold | Daisy K. |
4 Blue | Kallie M. | 4 Gold | Sama G. |
5 Blue | Olivia C. | 5 Gold | Elijah D. |
6 Blue | Xavier S. | 6 Gold | Will C. |
Creative Arts | Frankie P. | Japanese | Taylor G. |
PBL Award
Kinder Blue | Elsie O. | Kinder Gold | Bodhi C. |
1 Blue | Catalina M. | 1 Gold | Kenzie A. |
2 Blue | Scarlett B. | 2 Gold | Georgia L. |
3 Blue | Charlie C. | 3 Gold | Ava J. |
4 Blue | Raha E. | 4 Gold | Charlotte T. |
5 Blue | Leviathan T.K | 5 Gold | Ashton B. |
6 Blue | George P. | 6 Gold | Jayden M. |
Creative Arts | Neenah M. | Japanese | Finn I. |
Personal Best Award
Kinder Blue | Zachary K. | Kinder Gold | Spencer J. |
1 Blue | Noah O. | 1 Gold | Deklan B. |
2 Blue | Layla I. | 2 Gold | Hazel R. |
3 Blue | Jian S. | 3 Gold | Marco L. |
4 Blue | Sammy S. | 4 Gold | Ivy C. |
5 Blue | Jesse G. | 5 Gold | Tyler K. |
6 Blue | Oliver L. | 6 Gold | Neil Y. |
Library | Aislin K | Library | Fernando A. |
Creative Arts | Hannah S. | Japanese | Charles M. |
Key Dates