St Cecilia's Newsletter Week 9, Term 4
A word from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,
As we near the holiday season, I find myself reflecting on the parallels between the anticipation of Christmas and the excitement that envelops our school community as the year draws to a close. With only a week and two days left for the children, the air is thick with the palpable sense of expectation.
Much like the advent season, this time at school is marked by a shared sense of waiting. We eagerly await the culmination of our students' hard work and achievements, captured in their upcoming reports that will be sent out on Monday 11th December. I know everyone is waiting for staffing announcements and the revelation on Step up Morning (14th December 9:15am) of which class children will be a part of in the coming year. Please see below for list of 2024 class teachers.
Kindy Blue – Mrs Garth | Kindy Gold – Mrs Cilia |
1 Blue – Mrs Callaghan & Mrs Jones (Mrs Jones Thursdays only for Term 1 while Acting AP & then Mon - Thursday for term 2,3 & 4) | 1 Gold – Mrs Milne |
2 Blue – Mrs Adcock (Wed-Fri) & Mrs Cattabriga (Mon., Tues) | 2 Gold – Mrs Ross |
3 Blue – Mrs Kiddle (Mon-Thurs) & TBC (Fridays) | 3 Gold – Mrs Sartor |
4 Blue – Mrs Curnow (Mon, Tues) & Mrs McArthur (Wed- Fri) | 4 Gold – Mrs Jordan |
5 Blue – Mrs Xuereb | 5 Gold – Mrs Dowling & Mrs Williams (Wednesday) |
6 Blue – Miss Clancy | 6 Gold – Mr Murton |
As we approach the culmination of the year, let us embrace the waiting with a sense of joy and anticipation. Much like the anticipation surrounding the birth of Jesus during the Christmas season, we, too, await with hope and joy for the opportunities and growth that the coming year will undoubtedly bring. The story of waiting for the birth of Jesus serves as a reminder that in moments of anticipation, there is a profound sense of hope, renewal, and the promise of something truly transformative.
Amid these anticipations, there is another eagerly awaited moment—the well-deserved break that awaits both the children and dedicated staff. As we count down the days, let us acknowledge the importance of rest and rejuvenation. The holiday break is a time to recharge, reflect, and reconnect with the things that bring us joy.
May the spirit of Christmas infuse our school with warmth, kindness, and a sense of togetherness, like it did at our Christmas Concert with Andrew Chin last night. A huge thank you to Mrs Dowling who always coordinates this heartwarming event that brings our community together at the start of Advent. Thank you to all those who attended, the Christmas concert. It was was a huge success.
Let us savour these final days of the year, celebrating the achievements, cherishing the memories, and eagerly awaiting the new beginnings that the coming year will bring. Wishing you all a well-deserved and restful holiday break, filled with moments of joy and connection with loved ones.
Please enjoy some pictures from some of our events at the end of this busy term.
God Bless
Year 6 Graduation
The Year Six graduation evening was a poignant celebration, marking the end of a chapter for our year six children. The reflective Mass, thoughtfully prepared by Mrs. Dowling, set up and attended by dedicated staff, set a reflective tone. Special gratitude goes to Mel, Heidi, and Bec, whose coordination of the post-Mass celebrations added an extra layer of joy to the occasion. We extend heartfelt thanks to the generous parents who volunteered their time, with a special nod to Jacqui for her inspiring speech. The event was further elevated by the tunes curated by Justine (DJ Liddy). Together, all thespecial touches created a memorable evening, cherishing the accomplishments and promising futures of our graduating students.

End of Year Mass and Awards Ceremony
The end-of-year mass was a radiant celebration, illuminating the accomplishments and spirit of our school community. As we gathered, anticipation filled the air as new school and color house captains were announced, met with cheers of support. Congratualtions to the following year six leadership appointments for 2024:
School Captains: Noah Mc., Zachary T., Bonnie T.W., and Nyah C.
Mackillop Colour House Captains: Jayden M. & Tamryn H
Joseph Colour House Captains: Miller W. & Lizzie N.
Woodbury Colour House Captains: Asha D. & Leo C.
Raymond Colour House Captains: Sam T. & Taylah A
The ceremony resonated with warmth and pride as we acknowledged the recipients of accolades for the St. Cecilia's Creative Arts Award, ACE (Attitude, Commitment & Effort Award), Discipleship Award, and the Academic Progress Award. Each recognition reflected not only academic excellence but also the embodiment of values that define our vibrant school culture. It was a beautiful testament to the diverse talents and unwavering dedication within our school community.

Andrew Chin Christmas Concert
Andrew Chinn's Christmas concert was a jubilant spectacle, radiating vibrancy and filling the air with infectious joy and spirit. His meticulous preparation resonated through the children's performances, creating an atmosphere brimming with enthusiasm and warmth. The concert was not just a showcase of talent but a celebration of the holiday season, with each act infused with a delightful energy. Andrew Chinn's creative direction and the children's spirited execution made it an unforgettable event, leaving a lasting imprint of festive cheer. The concert was a testament to the power of music to unite hearts and spread the magic of Christmas with a joyous and harmonious resonance. Thank you to Mrs Dowling for coordinating such a beautiful experience for the community to encounter.

Staying Connected

Beginning the 2024 academic year, there's a shift in the system's assessment approach. It has been decided to discontinue the Mathematical Assessment Interviews for grades 1-6 at the start of the school year. Instead, we are implementing new in-school assessments that will provide valuable insights to guide our teaching methods and set student benchmarks from the outset. While the Mathematical Assessment Interviews evolve, it's essential to note that the Best Start Assessments for Kindergarten WILL continue as scheduled on Wednesday, January 31st, and Thursday, February 1st. This adjustment aims to enhance our assessment strategy, ensuring a more tailored and effective approach to monitor and support student learning and growth.
First day of school for grades 1-6 will be Wednesday 31st January.
WE currently have 65 repsonses for the request to consider the introduction of culottes or a skort as an alternative for girls to the summer dress. Currently 72% of parents have voted for the skort option with 56% of people opting for a new shirt option to go with the skorts. These alternatives will be explored in 2024.
Please see the attached voting form to express your preferences. Am hoping to have at least a third of our community vote on this, so if you have not yet done so, please take the time to complete this quick 1 minute survey below. You do not need to have a girl enrolled in the school to complete this survey.
It is because of the vital work all our volunteers do that we would like to invite all of you to a Thank You Morning Tea on Thursday 14th December at 10:45am – 11:30am, in the staffroom with teachers. Whether you have given your time in the canteen, covered books, attended an excursion, organised or sold gifts at the Mother's Day or Father's Day stall, helped with the uniform shop, assisted with a sporting event, acted as a class parent, helped with the yummy World Teachers Day morning tea, constructed equipment, helped with planning for a school function... and so much more, we want to say thank you!
Please RSVP here for catering purposes.
Building positive relationships among all stakeholders in a child's education is the cornerstone of nurturing student learning and success. To formalise our commitment to effective communication and mutual respect, Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) will be launching a Parent Charter with an email coming your way from Danny Casey, our director of shcools. A copy of the Charter will be available on the CSSB website.
In support of this initiative, we kindly ask parents to be mindful of the following guidelines when communicating with staff St Cecilia’s Wyong:
- Stay Informed: Stay informed about your child's progress by attending parent-teacher conferences, reading newsletters, and checking COMPASS.
- Initiate Contact: Don't hesitate to reach out to the appropriate staff member if you have concerns or questions about your child's progress, behaviour, or any other aspect of their education. Initial communications should always be with the appropriate school personnel, e.g., the classroom teacher or Year Coordinator. If further support is required, please contact school leaders as per the issue resolution process (see here for further information).
- Be Respectful: Approach conversations with staff in a respectful and professional manner, as they are dedicated to helping your child succeed.
- Respect Response Time: Recognise that staff have multiple students and responsibilities. Allow them time to respond to your inquiries and respect their working hours. Staff will usually respond within 48 hours.
Effective communication between parents and school staff is the key to a successful educational journey for your child. When both parties approach interactions with respect, empathy, and a shared commitment to the child's well-being, positive outcomes are more likely to be achieved.
I encourage you to read the Parent Charter document carefully and welcome your feedback. We value your input and are committed to working together to ensure that our schools remain collaborative, safe, and supportive environments.
With the help of some of our beautiful families we delivered a couple of very full loads of goods to St Vincent De Paul last week.
Thank you to every one of you for your overwhelming generosity and kindness during the St Vincent Christmas Appeal. Your donations have truly made a difference and will bring warmth, joy, and hope to those in need this holiday season.
The outpouring of support from our community is a shining example of the power of collective compassion. Your willingness to give has not only touched the lives of those receiving the donations but has also created a ripple effect of goodwill that extends far beyond the holiday season.
Thank you for embodying the true meaning of the season and for being a beacon of hope for those who need it most.

Congratulations Olivia and Annabelle
I am delighted to announce that Annabelle L and Olivia C from 4 Gold were winners of the CSBB Christmas Card Competition. The girls artworks were hand picked by the Bishop to be in the Advent edition of Broken Bay News, which all families will receive and the images will be used for the Bishop's personalised Christmas cards he will be sending out to everyone on his Christmas card list this year; this would include Pope Francis – see attached artworks.

Annabelle's Christmas Card Design

Olivia's Christmas Card Design
From the Canteen

Its winding down for the year and there has been quite a bit happening this past two terms. Canteen is still busy and NSW Food Authority are bringing in new regulations. As of December 8th the new regulations will commence and in a nutshell canteens need to abide by the new laws and require volunteers to undertake a short free online food handling course.
Thank you to those parents who have already completed the course advertised in last fortnight’s newsletter. Your time is greatly appreciated and to express our thanks the school will shout your child/ren a lunch upon the completion of the course for parent volunteers.
As the new year approaches I am starting to plan for volunteers in 2024. If anyone is willing to help in the canteen, I ask that you please undertake the attached course and send through your certificate to
Food Handler Training Course:
Free Online Food Safety Training Now Available - Federation Council (
I understand that we all have busy lives and many of us work too, however I would like to sincerely thank each and every one of you for your support and time this year, in helping me get out our orders (some days over 200 of them) in a safe and timely manner. It has been a joy to work with you , canteen has been fun and I love how many of you have found new friendships. It is great to have such wonderful people helping me out.
As there are only a few canteen days left I will need to run stock down for deep clean and closure over the summer break. I apologize if there may not be as many options available but I will endeavor to fulfill all orders as best as I can. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards Margaret
Teaching and Learning Matters

The Summer Slide
Summer holidays are for many a joyous time when there’s no need for alarms, or packing lunchboxes or remembering who has sport and library on which days. Taking the time to relax and recharge during this time of year is crucial for our little people and their wellbeing, but there is a downside to a long break away from traditional classroom learning – the Summer Slide.
The Summer Slide is a name given to the loss of student knowledge and skills which students can experience when they are away from the learning resources available to them at school for an extended period of time e.g. The 6-week summer holidays. The skills that students are focusing on during their learning at school are not second nature to them yet, which is why we practice these skills in the classroom on a regular basis. Understandably when students have not yet consolidated these skills, and are not getting regular practice with them, they are likely to experience a regression which can be difficult for students when they return to school.
To counter this inevitable slide, we encourage you to include some fun literacy and numeracy activities in your holidays. See some suggested ideas below:
Literacy | Numeracy |
Religious Education Update

Over the past two weeks the stage three students celebrated their Second Rite of Reconciliation. During this time of healing and forgiveness, the students confessed their sins to Father Alex or Father Teody and received God’s mercy and love. The students also reflected on how they will further commit to follow Jesus’ example. Thank you Father Alex and Father Teody for allowing us this opportunity to reconcile.

We had a wonderful celebration of St Cecila’s feast day on the 22nd of November. The kindergarten students led a beautiful liturgy where we remembered the life of St Cecilia; the patron saint of music and musicians. Thank you to the many parents and parishioners who celebrated with our school community.

On the 26th of November the St Cecilia’s parish community celebrated the official launch of our relic of St Cecilia. A relic is the “tangible remains of a saint, or any object that has been in contact with the saint”. This significant relic has been "described as sacred pearls from the veil of blood and its authenticity has been signed and sealed". The relic was donated to the parish by a parishioner’s relative who visited St Cecilia’s, Wyong. Our Church was named in memory of Cecilia Ann Woodbury. Cecilia was a young woman who was highly respected in the town of Wyong in its early days. She raised the majority of money necessary for the building of the church but died at the young age of 33, on 27 April 1905. Thank you, Will and Sophia, for representing our school during the Sunday mass.

Staff Spotlight

Welcome Mrs McArthur for 2024
We welcome Mrs McArthur as part-time 4 Blue Classroom teacher for next year at St Cecilia's. Mr McArthur has worked at our school over the past two years completing her final teaching practicuum in 2022 with Mrs Jordan as her mentor and colleague and then this year she taught 4 Gold for all of term three.
Mrs. McArthur is a passionate educator with a deep love for social science subjects. Her enthusiasm for her inquiry units of learning is infectious, making her classroom an engaging and dynamic learning environment. She sets the bar high for her students, having unwavering confidence in their abilities to rise to the occasion. Mrs. McArthur believes in the potential of each learner and strives to cultivate a sense of curiosity and critical thinking. We look forward to having her as part of our teaching team next year. Please find her own personal description of herself in her Take 5 responses.
1. 3 words to describe you as a teacher? Dedicated, adaptable, passionate.
2. What movie would you recommend for your children to watch? Disney’s Encanto, because it shares the important message that every person has unique gifts and talents, and even if they do not feel special compared to others, they are still worthwhile and can come in handy when least expected.
3. Name one of life’s golden rules you live by. My primary school golden rule, “Do for others what you want them to do for you.”
4. Tell us something we never knew about you. I LOVE American country music. I try and go to at least one live concert a year.
5. What’s one piece of advice you would give the children in your class? Don’t be discouraged because you are not there yet, be excited that you are on the way.
Mrs McArthur will be job sharing with Mrs Curnow who is embarking on a sea change and joining us from Sydney Church of England Grammar School, after a 13 year tenure at the school. We will share more about Mrs Curnow next week.
PEC Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank You Morning Tea
It is because of the vital work all our volunteers do that we would like to invite all of you to a Thank You Morning Tea on Thursday 14th December at 10:45am – 11:30am, in the school hall. Whether you have given your time in the canteen, covered books, attended an excursion, organised or sold gifts at the Mother's Day or Father's Day stall, helped with the uniform shop, assisted with a sporting event, acted as a class parent, helped with the yummy World Teachers Day morning tea, helped with planning for a school function... and so much more, we want to say thank you!
Please RSVP here for catering purposes.

Come Help Decorate the Christmas Tree
During Advent children are invited to come and help decorate the Church Christmas Tree.
St Cecilia’s Church Sunday 10th December 9.30am Mass.
Children will be invited to join the Children’s Liturgy and make some decorations for the Christmas Tree. We had some children attend on Sunday to kick off the tree decorating.
Some of our parents also came along last Friday to help decorate the church. Thank you so much the church is looking beautiful.

Christmas Eve Mass Participation Opportunities for Children
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope this message finds you well and filled with the anticipation of the upcoming Christmas season. As we prepare for our Parish Christmas Eve Mass on the 24th of December 2023, we extend a warm invitation to your children to actively participate in this joyous celebration.
St Cecilia’s Church
Date; 24th December 2023
Time 5pm Children’s Christmas Eve Mass
Roles for Rehearsal at School:
- Readers and Altar Servers: For those interested in taking part in the Mass as readers or altar servers, we will be holding rehearsals at school. Please encourage your child to express their interest, and we will coordinate rehearsal schedules accordingly.
- Joseph, Mary, and Angels: Students who wish to portray characters such as Joseph, Mary, or Angels are also invited to participate. Costumes and additional details will be provided during the rehearsals at school.
Christmas Eve Choir:
In addition to the Mass roles, we are excited to announce the formation of a special Christmas Eve Choir. We are seeking talented and enthusiastic children who love to sing and would like to contribute their voices to enhance the musical experience of our celebration.
If your child has an interest in joining the Christmas Eve Choir, rehearsals will take place at School. Please let us know if your child would like to be a part of this wonderful musical ensemble.
For both the Mass roles and the Christmas Eve Choir, please RSVP by Tuesday, 5th December to ensure we can adequately prepare for the rehearsals and assign roles accordingly. If you have any questions, please contact Jo Helm on 0424 763 734.
We are looking forward to creating beautiful memories together and celebrating the true spirit of Christmas with the active participation of our young children. Thank you for considering this invitation, and we hope to see your child's joyful participation in our Christmas Eve festivities.
Dear Kindergarten 2023 Parents and Carers,
As we prepare to welcome the newest members of the St Cecilia's family, we would like to extend a warm invitation for you to help with our annual "Tears n Tissues" morning tea.
This cherished tradition provides an opportunity for parents and carers to come together on the first day of school, share stories, and offer support as our little ones embark on their educational journey. We believe in the power of community, and your presence will undoubtedly contribute to the warmth and welcoming atmosphere we strive to cultivate at St Cecilia's.
Event Details:
Date: Friday, 2nd February 2023
Time: Set up begins at 8:25 am
Location: School Hall
How You Can Help:
- Morning Tea Contributions: We kindly request your assistance in supplying items for the morning tea. Whether it's baked goods, finger foods, packaged items, your contributions will be greatly appreciated.
- Set-Up Team: Volunteers are needed to help set up the morning tea area. If you can spare some time before the festivities begin, your assistance will be invaluable in creating a delightful space for our kindergarten parents.
- Serving Team: Join our serving team to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone. Your friendly presence will help make the morning tea a memorable occasion for all.
Please let us know by filling in the form below if you can contribute or volunteer at this special event. We look forward to seeing you at the Tears n Tissues morning tea, which you were only attending yourself 12 months ago. We appreciate your ongoing support in fostering a strong sense of community at St Cecilia's.
Tears N Tissues volunteer form
If you have any question, please feel free to call me on 0424 763 734.
Jo Helm
Parent Engagement Coordinator

Swimming Carnival
What a fabulous day we had today at the swimming carnvial. The children displayed great sportsmanship as they cheered on their peers.
Thank you to Mr Murton for all his hard work in planning a smooth, successful carnival and lots of fun for all.

New Playground Sport Equipment
In addition to the new six soccer goals we ordered for the playground, we also ordered a new basketball hoop that the year six children wanted to donate to the school as their end of year leaver's gift.
A huge thank to Mr Burrows who not only assisted in collection of the new basketball hoop for our school playground, he also assembled it for the children to still enjoy at the end of this term. Thanks so much for your time Russ. The kids are stoked and enjoyed it for the first time at lunch yesterday.
Classroom Connections

Year 3 Poetry Popstars
This term, Year 3 have been exploring poetry. We have studied a variety of poetic forms, developing our ability to be creative with our words. For the last few weeks, the students have been creating their own rhyming children’s book. It is an extremely challenging task to compose a poetic story. You must consider the rhythm by carefully counting out the syllables, the rhyme by meticulously selecting words that help tell the story but also following the rhyming pattern, and how you can include interesting vocabulary. To challenge the students even further, many have been exploring imbedding figurative language, such as similes, alliteration, personification etc, into their stories whilst still following the correct rhythm and rhyme! What a challenge! The students have thrived during this task and composed some excellent stories that they hope to share with the kindergarten students before the term ends. Most students are yet to complete their illustrations which means we cannot share theirs yet but watch this space. Please enjoy a sample below and view the title of some up-and-coming best sellers:

Bright Beginnings Christmas Extravaganza!
On Tuesday we celebrated our final Bright Beginnings session for 2023!
We were lucky enough to have a visit from the team at Wyong Fire Station who brought along a special visitor.. SANTA!
All the children had a wonderful morning, as did we!
It has been another great year of Bright Beginnings and we look forward to continuing on next year.

Key Dates